each time i make a step_

Monday, March 12, 2007


So we were singing our guts out at Chevrons. LOL. 6th Aunt's birthday was celebrated there. The children (ie. my cousins) were snatching the mic while I was sitting there like an idiot, listening to their "beautiful yet resounding" voices.
Being the oldest child among the 9 grandchildren, there's a generation gap between the children and me. I believe that it's prolly because Mom was the oldest child among my 9 uncles and aunts. My youngest cousin, Laticia, is only 2 years old! A difference of 14 years between us.! When it comes to educating lil' fella like her, I have to be patient. She's quite vulnerable and fearful of people like me. :\ However, the biggest problem of all : Language barrier. Having a mother from China, it's no wonder that she's got the gene of speaking fluent Chinese at a tender age. She could speak perfect Mandarin.BUT! she can't speak English. Especially when her playgroup teacher is an INDIAN. The cleaner in Apple Tree Playgroup actually feedback to my uncle (ie. her father) that she couldn't speak a single English word and she EVEN spoke Mandarin to her Indian teacher. Right. Poor Indian teacher couldn't understand her. Hence, my uncle tried to instill the right values in her so that she can learn English the proper way. But it's proven to be difficult cuz my maternal relatives are "orientally inclined". Nobody could speak English fluently except the cousins of mine. Right. A challenge for me. :\\\\


Jun is love. <3