each time i make a step_

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

why do all good things come to an end?

Busy!Busy!Busy!Baracuda til 11 isn't a good idea. Im totally drained out. Late nights with hardcore mugging = Flu is on the way soon. Oh well. That will help keep me occupied. at least. Anyway, I hope I'll get through this ordeal this week. Not only this week, but the week after and 2 weeks after. Common Test is approaching. ): bah. on a lighter note, I GOT MY TIX TO CHRISTINA'S CONCERT! XD YAY. I bet you're all jealous right? HAHA.! Okay. Im being random. Yeah. I've gotta start managing my time properly if not, at the rate im going, I'd definitely collapse anytime.

Well, I guess it's time to let go. We all need to learn to be mature and be strong. Guess it's time. I won't see you anymore. Neither do you. If we do see each other in the streets, I'd hope that we could smile to each other. (: